The Five People You Meet in Heaven Blue Man No Random Acts

Please note! This essay has been submitted by a student.

'That there are no random acts. That we are all connected. That you can no more separate one life from another than you can separate a breeze from the wind.' (Blueman 48) The Five People You Meet in Heaven's biggest lesson to me is that we all are connected. The quote by the Blueman is a great example of that. They're will be very man examples from the book. In this paper I will explain what had happened to the Blueman and how him and Eddie are connected including how Eddie and other characters are connected. What you do in your life affects others.

The Blueman tells Eddie on page 48, "That there are no random acts. That we are all connected. That you can no more separate one life from another than you can separate a breeze from the wind." I feel like this quote is saying that everything happens for a reason. The events in our environment have an impact on us. Our actions affect everyone around us. This can be a big or small effect. You and others affect each other everyday, whether it be mentally or physically. This causes us to do or say certain things, which can affect others as well. We affect each other all the time causing all these different things to happen.You are so connected to others that it is hard to unconnect. Just like a breeze is a small part of the wind, when you put a big amount of breeze together, you can't tell the two apart because they are basically the same. So what everyone does come together to make and change what happens around us, making us all whole where you can't separate us. In the end, I think this quote is saying that nothing happens randomly, but how we affect others and how we are all connected causes things to happen for a reason.

The Blue man and Eddie are very connected by actions and connected both physically and mentally. The Blue man is the first person Eddie meets in heaven. "I am your first person, Edward. When I died, my life was illuminated by five others, and then I came here to wait for you, to stand in your line, to tell you my story, which becomes a part of yours. They're will be others for you, too. Some you knew, maybe some you didn't. But they all crossed your path before they died. And they altered it forever." (Blue Man 19) The Blue man teaches Eddie that no two people are apart and the we are all connected. The Blue man's death was caused by Eddie's actions, "Take one story, viewed from two different angles. Take a rainy sunday morning in July, in the late 1920s, when Eddie and his friends are tossing a baseball Eddie got for his birthday nearly a year ago. Take a moment when that ball flies over Eddie's head and out onto the street. Eddie, wearing tawny pants and a wool cap, chases after it, and runs in front of an automobile, a Ford Model A,. The car screeches, veers, and just misses him. He shivers, exhales, gets the ball, and races back to his friends." (Albom 23). Eddie went on with his day playing ball with his friend. A few days later, on his eighth birthday, Eddie and his family had to go to a funeral. Eddie didn't want to go, he wanted to have a party, but he had no choice. Eddie never really knew whos funeral it was or realised what happened until now. "Now take that same story from a different angle. A man is behind the wheel of a Ford Model A, which he has borrowed from a friend to practice his driving. The road is wet from the morning rain. Suddenly, a baseball bounces across the street, and a boy comes racing after it. The driver slams on the brakes and yanks the wheel. The car skids, the tires screech. The man somehow regains control, and the model A rolls on. The child has disappeared in the rearview mirror, but the man's body is still affected, thinking of how close he came to tragedy. The jolt of adrenaline has forced his heart to pump furiously and his heart is not a strong one and the pumping eaves him drained. The man feels dizzy and his head drops momermintly. His automotive nearly collides. The The second driver honks, the man veers again, spinning the wheel, pushing on the brake pedal. He skids along an avenue then turns down an alley. His vehicle rolls until it collided with the rear of a parked truck. They're is a small crashing noise… An hour later passes. A policeman finds him. A medical examiner pronounced him dead. The cause of death is listed as an "heart attack"." (Album 23-24) The Blue man worked with Eddie's Father at Ruby Pier, the Blue man was the man driving that car. I think this is a very good example of how everyone is connected.

Eddie is also connected to two other people. The first person is Tala and she is the fifth person he meets in heaven. Tala is a little girl that was in the war he was in, and died at the compound were Eddie and other soldiers were taken as prisoners. One night when the soldier that was watching them was playing with rocks, Eddie tricked him into giving them to Eddie and was juggling then they all quickly attack them and killed them. Before leaving the compound they were stuck at, they decided to burn the place down. " He turned to the burning barn and… What was that? He blinked. What was that? Something darted across the door opening. Eddie tried to focus. The heat was intense, and he shielded his eyes with his free hand. He couldn't be sure, but he thought he'd just seen a small figure running inside the fire. 'Hey!' Eddie yelled, stepping forward, lowering his weapon. 'HEY!' The roof of the barn began to crumble, splashing sparks and flame… "I'll help you! Come out! I won't shoo-" a piercing pain ripped through Eddies leg. He screamed a long, had curse then crumbled to the ground. Blood was spewing below his knee. Plane engines roared. The skies lit in the bluish flashes." The captain had shot Eddie because they had to leave and Eddie would have died if he went into the fire, but Eddie was right there was a child in the barn and she had died from the fire. Tala had taught him his last lesson that he was meant to be at the pier to be saved.

The other person Eddie meets in heaven that he's connected to is "Amy or Annie". She's not one of his five people, but she's very important to the story. At the beginning we learn how Eddie dies. A cable cord on a cart for the ride Freddy's Free Fall had broken from a key they had got trapped in it. "And Eddie saw the last face of his life. She was sprawled upon the rides metal base, as if someone had knocked her into it, her nose running, tears filling her eyes, the little girl with the pipe-cleaner animal. Amy? Annie? 'Ma…Mom…Ma…Mom…' Eddie's eyes shot from her to the carts. Did he have time? Her to the carts- Whump. Too late. The carts were dropping. Jesus, he released the brake!-and for Eddie, everything slipped into watery motion. He dropped his cane and pushed off his bad leg and felt a shot of pain that almost knocked him down. A big step. Another step. Inside the shaft of Freddy's Free Fall, the cable snapped it's final thread and ripped across the hydraulic line. Cart No. 2 was in a dead drop now, nothing to stop it, a boulder off a cliff." When Eddie died and went to heaven, the main question he had was, did I save her? He never figured out until talking to Tala, but he did save her. In the end, "Amy or Annie" was in his heaven. Almost everyone in the book was connected to Eddie in more than one way.

"That there are no random acts. That we are all connected. That you can no more separate one life from another than you can separate a breeze from the wind." (Blue Man //). You are not different for anyone else and your actions affect others. Always think about even the smallest decision. Eddie learns that after he's in heaven and learns that his life was meaningful. Make wise decisions and remember you are just as connected as the person right next to you.


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